Handling of customs matters
Customs handling
The imported products only gain value when they are free to trade. This requires various actions at customs. With our many years of experience, we can take care of these operations quickly and properly for our clients, making the products quickly available for further transport and trade.
+31 113 322355
Nisseweg 4
4416 PK Kruiningen
Denemarkenweg 18
4389 PE Ritthem

Customs storage
All products that arrive from outside the Europe Union are stored in our customs warehouse, when the customs formalities have been completed, the products can be transported further.
Our locations in Vlissingen and Kruiningen have been approved by the Nvwa as an inspection location for fruit and vegetables.
This way we can quickly provide the right climate for the products while we handle customs formalities for you.
Free to enter
To free up the products to import further into Europe, various things must be arranged. ZZColdstores has years of experience and the right connections. We pay the import duties, take care of the declaration, transfer the VAT and request the required information and certificates from you. We ensure that the products are ready for further transport as quickly as possible.